coping skills health

decluttering your mind meditation

Woke up jet lagged and not motivated to get out of bed. I did a guided meditation and at the end of it, I felt positive energy towards the rest of the day. Sharing here my all time favorite 7 min meditation – decluttering your mind short meditation. In case the link does not work […]

coping skills health recovery

less than whole

By chance, do you feel less than whole this morning? Sometimes I feel inadequate and feel like I’m missing something. I would call this feeling one of feeling less than whole. Can’t remember who I was talking to, I think perhaps a student in my class, we talked about wholeness as a state we strive […]

coping skills PhD Life work

new chapter

Finished! I finished my dissertation. I finished my phd program. at the end of this journey was an unexpected sense of drop, a sense of fall, or a loss, letting go all of a sudden of a goal I had worked towards intensely for the past six years. As much as pushing towards finish line […]

coping skills PhD Life

a good enough dissertation

I have a defense draft of dissertation! I consider it a “good enough” dissertation, as in Winnicott’s concept of a “good enough mother.” I don’t mean that my dissertation isn’t good. I just mean that I did my best not being a perfectionist and practically speaking it’s better than a perfect draft of a dissertation […]

coping skills health weight loss

rule following vs decision making and weight loss

I wanted to be done with weight loss. But I started gaining weight after reaching my goal weight! Maintaining weight is hard. It’s almost easier to be perpetually trying to lose weight, if that makes any sense at all. I am listening to this podcast on rule following vs decision making. I feel like I […]