christianity god sermons

the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus

In my recollection, late February or beginning of March of 2019 was when we realized that we had a virus that was sweeping over us. Since then for 3 years we have been living in, through, and with the pandemic of coronavirus. Are you tired yet? Are you tired yet of wearing masks, keeping safe […]

christianity faith sermons

if you confess with your lips and believe in your heart

It is written that “if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). Our salvation is not based on our works or anything we can do. We are saved by believing in our heart that Jesus […]

christianity sermons

they left everything and followed him

Today, let us think together about discipleship. Do you follow Jesus? How do you follow Jesus? We say we are Christians, but what does that mean, to be followers of Jesus the Christ? When Simon-Peter and his fellow fisherman were called by Jesus to become fishermen of men, “they left everything and followed him” (Luke […]

christianity god sermons

Love never ends

In 1 Corinthians Chapter 13, Apostle Paul teaches us that we should do all things with love.  Paul gives us three arguments: without love, we are nothing and we gain nothing; then Paul explains what love is, what love does; and lastly, Paul states that love is the greatest even when compared to hope or faith. […]

christianity god sermons

the steadfast love of God

In times of uncertainties and fear, we remember our Lord our God who speaks to us through the Scriptures and through history of God’s people. In Isaiah, God tells the Israelites that “for Zion’s sake, I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest,” until Jerusalem is vindicated, shining like the […]